Lessons learnt & guidelines to Prevent Crime
Senior Citizens:-
1. Always keep handy the phone number of your district police control room and local police station.
2. Call your local police station or Dial 100 in case of emergency.
3. Don’t ask help from unknown at ATM room.
4. Be careful after withdrawing the money from bank or ATM.
5. Always take help of other people or traffic police whole crossing the busy roads in foot.
Safety for Women:-
1. Be careful while making friends with any unknown person. He/She may cause you harm.
2. Don’t get allured for easy available job from unknown.
3. Dial 100 in emergency for for seeking police help.
4. Don’t meet any unknown person in any unknown place.
5. Don’t divulge your personal details to any unknown in social networking site and share your
photographs / phone numbers. It may cause damage to your social reputation and family life.
6. Before engaging domestic worker, verify his/her antecedents.
7. Don’t trust your unknown online friends. They may cheat /blackmail you.
8. If you have a CCTV, place it over the front door for capturing face of every person.
For Avoiding Kidnapping:-
1. Don’t go with strangers.
2. Don’t ask lift from strangers.
3. For smart phone user please install Alert cum tracking (as ‘VithU’ ) application in your phone and keep your mobile phone always in your hand.
4. If possible keep one low cost phone with connection in mute mode in any hidden place of your body.
5. As far as possible avoid being alone in lonely lit places especially late in the night.
6. Always keep ready the and phone numbers/ mail ID of your family members
For Human Trafficking:-
1. Don’t allow your son or daughter to go for a job to unknown place with an unknown agent.
2. Always verify the details of agent before trusting him and keep the photo copy of his voter ID and his phone number.
3. Keep photograph of agent and keep contact with him regularly.
4. If there is any offer of marriage for your daughter from far off place, it is better to consult with your local respected person, police or local social workers.
5. Do not accept food /drinks/water from any stranger while you are outside.
Fight against Plastic Money Fraud (A.T.M./Credit Card/Debit Card):-
1. When you are in the A.T.M. room don’t allow anybody to stay behind you.
2. Don’t ask help from any unknown person for withdrawing money from A.T.M.
3. Don’t handover your card to anybody.
4. Don’t keep PIN number in to the card cover.
5. Always black out the CVV number of your card and keep it in your mind for future requirement.
6. Don’t give details of your card to anybody over the phone.
7. Please remember, bank never ask about your card over phone or any other means, except when you directly contact with customer care in a predefine phone number as noted on the card.
8. Don’t handover the photo copy of your card to anybody.
9. Always remember that your card is your money. Keep it safe.
10. Always try to use security guard attended A.T.M. room for withdrawing money.
11. Don’t give your card details for taking loan.
12. Change your PIN number regularly.
13. Memorize your pin number.
14. Please check the keyboard of ATM before using it. So that no glue or stapler pin is stickled with any key of that keyboard.
15. Press cancel button before leaving the ATM room.
For House Theft/ Burglary/ Dacoity:-
1. Don’t leave your house open, when you are not in home.
2. Before engaging domestic worker, verify her antecedents.
3. Give Details of your domestic workers to your local Police-station.
4. Don’t allow any unknown person to enter in your house.
5. Open the door after confirmation of identity of person.
6. Have a proper hole in your front door, so that you can identify the person before opening the
7. Have a chain lock inside your front door so that you can partially open the door and verify the stranger before opening the door.
8. Try to install CCTV camera in hidden place inside of your house so that it can cover the entrances. Don’t discuss it with outsiders.
9. Don’t write about your movement in status updating social networking sites (Like Facebook,
Twitter, etc.)
10. Keep phone number of your local police and control room of your district administration in your mobile phone.
Fighting Against Motor Theft:-
1. Don’t keep your vehicle in any lonely place.
2. Always use security lock alarm in your vehicle.
3. Try to install GPS enable device in your vehicle in any hidden place.
4. Don’t keep your vehicles in any busy place as un-attended.
5. Don’t give any lift to stranger.
6. Don’t keep enough fuel in your fuel tank, if you are not going very far.
7. Please plug out the key before leaving vehicles.
8. Please plug out the spark plug of your motorcycle before leaving it alone.
9. After parking lock the handle of your Motor Cycle.
Fighting Against Cheating & Fraud:-
1. Don’t handover any signed cancelled cheque to any stranger, who calls you for easy loan and some other advantages. Even don’t handover your blank cheque to any stranger.
2. Don’t show your interest in easily available loan advertisement.
3. Don’t show your interest on economic benefits from unwanted calls.
4. Don’t show your interest on wining of unwanted lottery prize money.
5. Inform police immediately after getting information about these.
6. Don’t show your interest on lottery from S.M.S or e-mail or call from any unknown numbers.
7. Don’t pay money for any job offer and don’t deposit money in any bank account as security deposit for a job.
8. Don’t deposit money in any bank account of any unknown person as security deposit for loan or tender.
9. Read carefully all important documents before signing them. 10. Beware of schemes offering unusually very high returns.
Fight against Cyber Crime:-
1. Don’t use guessable password for your email id and social networking site profiles.
2. Use at least 12 digit passwords by using all capital letter, small letter, special character and number.
3. Don’t use any guessable answer in password forget hints.
4. Try to use two tier authentications for your email ID.
5. If you are victim of offensive mail or picture in your mail Id or social network site or website take a print out and print screen or mail and social network site or website. Always keep the link (URL) of the website, where offensive word or picture was used against you.
7. Don’t open any unwanted mail or attachment. It may cause damage your computer and steal your all including financial details.
8. Don’t show interest on mail for winning unwanted lottery.
9. Don’t go for video calling or chatting with any stranger.
10. Always use ‘https’ sites for online financial transaction.
11. Don’t install any software from unknown publisher.
12. Don’t click on any link from any unwanted/ spam mail.
13. Always try to keep paid antivirus in your computer.
14. Never share your profile details to any unknown.
Safety Tips For School Children
While Walking to School:-
(1) Always walk on the footpath only. On roads without footpath, walk on the extreme left hand side of the roads.
(2) Do not be impatient on the road. Do not rush or run on the road.
(3) Cross only at Zebra crossings, traffic signals, subways, foot over-bridges.
Where such facilities do not exist, look for a safe place to cross.
(4) At the signal lights, cross only on a clear green signal. If an intersection is controlled by a policeman, traffic warden, cross only when he signals you to do so.
(5) When crossing between vehicles parked on the side of the road, remember that you are not visible to the moving traffic (because the parked vehicles may be taller than you). Stop as you appear from behind the vehicle and look for a safe gap before crossing. Remember, drivers need plenty of time to see you and to slow down and stop.
(6) While crossing wide roads that have central islands, always cross in two stages. Cross to the central Island , stop, and cross when the next section is clear.
(7) While crossing one-way roads, remember that the traffic will be moving at a higher speeds. Do not cross unless it is safe.
(8) Never cross a road at a corner/curve, as the motorist taking the turn will not be able to see you in time.
(9) Running across the road is a bad idea, as you may slip and fall.
While going by bus:-
(1) Leave home well in time, so that you won’t have to run to catch the bus.
At the bus stand, always follow the queue. Board the bus only after it has come to a halt, without rushing in or pushing others.
(2) While in the bus, shouting or making a noise is definitely bad manners. Such behavior can also distract the driver.
(3) Do not board or alight at a bus stop other than the one decided by the school. Never board and alight at a red light crossing or unauthorized bus stop.
(4) Always hold onto the handrail if standing in a moving bus, especially on sharp
(5) Do not sit, stand or travel on the footboard of the bus.
(6) Do not put any part of your body outside a moving or stationary bus.
(7) Always adhere to the bus safety rules.
Guidelines For Parents Of School Children :-
(1) Parents are equally responsible for the safety of their children during school journeys. They must ensure that the mode of transport arranged by school or by themselves is absolutely safe.
(2) Parents must play the role of vigilant observers. They should note down violations committed by school buses and immediately report to the authorities.
(3) Parents must participate in Parent Teachers Association meetings and discuss the safety aspects of their children. While taking their children to school themselves, they should take proper care of their safety.
(4) Parents must ensure that the children acquire the right knowledge and skills for safe use of roads. They should teach their children the basic rules of the road, how to walk and cross the road, how to alight and board a bus etc.
(5) Parents should not allow their minor children to drive.
Parents must also ensure that the right attitude for a law abiding citizen is
imparted to their children by the family.
(6) Children are very good observers and therefore, parents must set an example
by meticulously observing even small traffic rules.
(7) Remember safety of children must be the foremost priority of every parent.
(8) Guidelines for teachers for ensuring safety of school children :
It is the responsibility of school authorities and the teachers to ensure the
safety of school children and also to impart the necessary knowledge, skills
and attitude to be a safe road user.
(9) Teachers should help to develop a responsible attitude towards road use to
school children.
(10) Teachers should impart essential knowledge about roads and traffic to
school children.
Safety Tips For women
1. Awareness: Your first line of defence. Most people think of kicks to the groin and blocking punches when they hear the term “self-defence.” However, true self-defence begins long before any actual physical contact. The first, and probably most important, component in self-defence is awareness: awareness of yourself, your surroundings, and your potential attacker’s likely strategies.
The criminal’s primary strategy is to use the advantage of surprise. Studies have shown that criminals are adept at choosing targets who appear to be unaware of what is going on around them. By being aware of your surroundings and by projecting a “force presence,” many altercations which are commonplace on the street can be avoided.
2. Use your sixth sense. “Sixth sense.” “Gut instinct.” Whatever you call it, your intuition is a powerful subconscious insight into situations and people. All of us, especially women, have this gift, but very few of us pay attention to it. Learn to trust this power and use it to your full advantage. Avoid a person or a situation which does not “feel” safe–you’re probably right.
3. Self-defense training. It is important to evaluate the goals and practical usefulness of a women’s self-defense program before signing up. Here are two tips:
a) Avoid martial arts studios unless you specifically wish to train in the traditional martial arts techniques and are prepared for a long-term commitment. Many women’s self-defense programs teach watered-down martial arts techniques that are complex and unrealistic under the stress of an actual attack;
b) The self-defense program should include simulated assaults, with a fully padded instructor in realistic rape and attack scenarios, to allow you to practice what you’ve learned.
4. Escape: Always your best option. What if the unthinkable happens? You are suddenly confronted by a predator who demands that you go with him–be it in a car, or into an alley, or a building. It would seem prudent to obey, but you must never leave the primary crime scene. You are far more likely to be killed or seriously injured if you go with the predator than if you run away (even if he promises not to hurt you). Run away, yell for help, throw a rock through a store or car window–do whatever you can to attract attention. And if the criminal is after your purse or other material items, throw them one way while you run the other.
5. Your right to fight. Unfortunately, no matter how diligently we practice awareness and avoidance techniques, we may find ourselves in a physical confrontation. Whether or not you have self-defence training, and no matter what your age or physical condition, it is important to understand that you CAN and SHOULD defend yourself physically. You have both the moral and legal right to do so, even if the attacker is only threatening you and hasn’t struck first. Many women worry that they will anger the attacker and get hurt worse if they defend themselves, but statistics clearly show that your odds of survival are far greater if you do fight back. Aim for the eyes first and the groin second. Remember, though, to use the element of surprise to your advantage–strike quickly, and mean business. You may only get one chance.
6. Pepper spray: Pros and cons. Pepper spray, like other self-defence aids, can be a useful tool. However, it is important to understand that there can be significant drawbacks to its use. For example, did you know that it doesn’t work on everyone? Surprisingly, 15-20% of people will not be incapacitated even by a full-face spray. Also, if you’re carrying it in your purse, you will only waste time and alert the attacker to your intentions while you fumble for it. Never depend on any self-defence tool or weapon to stop an attacker. Trust your body and your wits, which you can always depend on in the event of an attack.
7. Home invasions: A crime on the rise. The primary way to prevent a home invasion is simply to never, ever open your door unless you either are certain you know who’s on the other side or can verify that they have a legitimate reason for being there (dressing up as a repair person or even police officer is one trick criminals use). In the event that an intruder breaks in while you’re home, you should have a safe room in your house to which you can retreat. Such a room should be equipped with a strong door, deadbolt lock, phone (preferably cell phone), and a can of pepper spray or fire extinguisher.
8. Avoiding a car-jacking. Lock all doors and keep windows up when driving. Most car-jackings take place when vehicles are stopped at intersections. The criminals approach at a 45-degree angle (in the blind spot), and either pull you out of the driver’s seat or jump in the passenger’s seat.
9. A travel tip. Violent crimes against women happen in the best and worst hotels around the world. Predators may play the part of a hotel employee, push their way through an open or unlocked door, or obtain a pass key to the room. As with home safety, never open your door unless you are certain the person on the other side is legitimate, and always carry a door wedge with you when you travel. A wedge is often stronger than the door it secures.
10. Safety in cyberspace. Although the Internet is educational and entertaining, it can also be full of danger if one isn’t careful. When communicating on-line, use a nickname and always keep personal information such as home address and phone number confidential. Instruct family members to do the same. Keep current on security issues, frauds, viruses, etc. by periodically referring to “The Police Notebook” Internet Safety Page.
11. Be careful while making friends with any unknown person. He/She may cause you harm.
12. Don’t get allured for easy available job from unknown.
13. Dial 100 in emergency for for seeking police help.
14. Don’t meet any unknown person in any unknown place.
15. Don’t divulge your personal details to any unknown in social networking site and share your
photographs / phone numbers. It may cause damage to your social reputation and family life.
16. Before engaging domestic worker, verify his/her antecedents.
17. Don’t trust your unknown online friends. They may cheat /blackmail you.
18. If you have a CCTV, place it over the front door for capturing face of every person.
Safety Tips For Pedestrian
1. Wherever possible, avoid walking next to the curb with your back to the traffic. If you have to step into the road, look both ways first.
2. Wear or carry something light coloured, bright or fluorescent in poor daylight conditions.
3. When it is dark, use reflective materials (e.g. armbands, sashes, waistcoats and jackets), which can be seen, by drivers using headlights, up to three times as far away as non-reflective materials.
4. Young children should not be out alone on the pavement or road. When taking children out, walk between them and the traffic and hold their hands firmly. Strap very young children into push-chairs or use reins.
5. Always walk on the footpath, they are meant for you. Where there is no footpath, walk in the left side margin of the road so that you can see the traffic coming in the opposite direction.
6. Cross the roads, where there are pedestrian crossings. They have been painted at great cost for your convenience.
7. Where there are no pedestrian crossings, watch the traffic on both sides and cross when it is safe.
8. Never walk on the main carriageway, it could be fatal.
9. Do not read newspapers or look at hoardings while walking on the road.
10. Do not greet friends on the road. Take them to the footpath or the side margin.
11. Do not obstruct the traffic by standing on the road in front of bus shelters.
12. Do not cross the road by jumping over the center median.
13. You MUST NOT get on to or hold on to a moving vehicle.
14. Don’t “Drink and Walk.” If you’ve been drinking, take a cab or a bus, or let someone drive you home
Safety Tips For Driver
1. Obey all traffic signals, boards and signs.
2. Adhere to permitted speed limits.
3. Don’t drink and drive
4. While driving, always carry your driving license and important documents such as your vehicle registration certificate, insurance certificate, road tax & P.U.C. certificate.
5. Wear seat belts
6. Don’t use your cell phone while driving. If it is an urgent need, move to the left, halt and make the call.
4. Use the indicator or hand signals when changing lanes.
5. Always drive in proper gear.
6. Irrespective of right of way, stay alert and be considerate to pedestrians, especially senior citizens, handicapped and children.
7. Avoid sudden braking and harsh acceleration.
8. Never parking the clutch as a footrest while driving.
9. Avoid parking on the road. Use pay-and-park islands.
10. Do not overload your vehicles-be it with luggage or passengers.
Guidelines for Motorcyclists :-
1. Always wear helmets
2. Never stop abruptly in traffic. Move to the left and slow down.
3. Adhere to traffic signals, boards and signs.
4. While driving, always carry your driving license and important documents such as your vehicle registration certificate, insurance certificate, road tax & P.U.C. certificate.
5. Avoid using the cell phone while driving. If it is an urgent need, move to the left, halt and make the call.
6. Do not ride at high speeds. Losing control, your life may be at stake.
7. Don’t make children sit on fuel tanks or stand in front of you, the rider.
8. Never drink and drive.
9. Use your lights while riding at night.
10. Do not ride or wheel your vehicle on the footpath.
11. While passing a stationery vehicle, allow sufficient clearance for the car doors which may open all of a sudden.
12. Comprehend the signals given by other road users and use the same while riding.
13. Avoid using brakes at turns. If needed, ensure both brakes are applied gently.
14. Do not try and weave your way through stationery or slow moving traffic. It may cause accidents.
15. Always ride with both hands on the handlebar except when signaling.
Slow down at zebra crossing and if it is required, do stop.